About us
SUBNOVATE was established in 2012 but has been in development since 2010.
Company page
SUBNOVATEis a development and innovation company whose business concept is ongoing income from royalties, sale of rights and/or sale of ideas.
The business idea is to commercialize, market-ready and develop these products and solutions that both replace other more expensive solutions and open a market that until now could not be utilized due to lack of technical solutions and/or solutions with high marginal costs.
The scope of use can be developed almost indefinitely: e.g. containers as “garden sheds” (which do not affect a dwelling’s building coverage), lifts for cars, and many others.
The concepts can be used in all cases as a simple and environmentally friendly replacement for hydraulic constructions.
The principle can be used directly for:
• Parking facilities
• Waste storage
• Handicap lifts
• Storage of (shipping) containers below ground
• Construction of structures below ground.
The unique thing about the system is that the principles can compete in price with existing systems. In addition, the system can be used in a range of cases where previously there was no solution available.